
Program Statement

Program Statement

Rural Roots Children’s Centre is a non-profit licensed child care centre dedicated to supporting children and families by providing high quality child care in a safe, caring and nurturing environment.

Health, safety, nutrition and well-being

In order to promote the health, safety, nutrition and well-being of children staff will strive to demonstrate healthy lifestyle choices by trying new foods, modelling proper handwashing techniques and showing empathy and compassion towards others.  Meals are planned in accordance with the Canada’s Food Guide and reviewed annually by a dietitian at the Thunder Bay District Health Unit.  Families also have the opportunity to contribute to the menu by sharing favourite recipes.  To build on their self-help skills during meal times children are given the opportunity to serve themselves.  The day is balanced by providing adequate outdoor time.  Playgrounds checks are conducted daily to ensure space is safe for all to enjoy.  Staff will make every effort to monitor children upon arrival into the program and do a visual and/or verbal “check in” as a way to determine their health and well-being.

Communication with families and staff

Staff support positive and responsive interactions by welcoming families to set up a tour to view the centre.  Home visits for our toddler and preschool children are offered in order to start the foundation to building a trusting relationship. To continue to build and strengthen relationships, daily communication at drop-off/pick-up time is encouraged to get to know children and families on a more personal level.  Families are also encouraged to call and speak with staff to check up on how their child is doing; especially in the event of a difficult drop-off.  We welcome family photos to display in our environment to give the children a sense of belonging.  Monthly staff meetings allow staff to all get together and to converse, share stories and work together in a communities of practice setting.

Our learning approach

Children are encouraged to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to self-regulate.  Staff support the children by physical, verbal and/or visual cues to transition through the day.  Our environment is arranged in a way to allow children to choose between educator-led or self-directed, individual or group activities as well as adequate space and material. Thought-provoking questions are asked to encourage independent thinking and allow children to problem-solve. 

To foster exploration, play and inquiry staff are required to observe and document children’s play.  Documentation is brought into weekly team meetings at which time discussions are had in order to guide learning experiences and environment.  Items and rooms are set up to give children freedom to explore at their own individual pace.  Educators act as co-learners asking questions and working together to answer questions instead of providing the answers. We ask questions to find out the children’s knowledge: What do you know? What do you want to know?

Child-initiated and adult-supported experiences are done by Educators by following and expanding on child’s play.  Documentation should show what children may be interested in and planning for the day/week will be based on observations both formal and informal.  Daily schedules will be flexible to accommodate both individual and group learning styles.

Educators plan for and create positive learning environments and experiences in which each child’s learning and development will be supported.  Children will be engaged by having play items, furniture, photos etc. at their level.  The How Does Learning Happen? document is a guide that is used daily.  Resources such as Think, Feel, Act; Early Learning for Every Child Today (ELECT), Child Development: A Primer and others will be used as reference tools.

The daily schedule or flow of the day is flexible to allow for indoor and outdoor play, as well as active play, rest and quiet time to give consideration for individual needs whenever possible.  Educators will follow children’s verbal and non-verbal cues to meet their social, emotional and physical well-being. 

Making connections

Ongoing communication with the parents and families is integral in our work we do with children each day.  We engage parents through daily conversations to make connections and include discussion in our day-to-day happenings.  Daily documentation sheets are posted to share experiences. A questionnaire/survey is distributed annually as a way for families to participate, contribute and evaluate to offer feedback for future learning.  Families are welcome to spend time in the program with their child either one-on-one or sharing special skills.

Staff resources and education

Rural Roots partners each year with Confederation College for students to attend our programs for the field placements.  Children Centre Thunder Bay employs the Resource Consultant that is assigned to our Centre as well as provides staff and families with children’s mental health information and workshops.  The Thunder Bay District Health Unit offers also offers training on the health, safety and well-being of children and adults.  Information about events and/or workshops, are displayed on our parent information boards, included in monthly newsletters or electronically delivered.

Staff are encouraged to attend workshops and training as a part of their continuous professional learning.  As professional development opportunities arise posters are posted for anyone interested to attend.  A working group for Registered Early Childhood Educators has been formed to work collaboratively on the Continuous Learning Portfolio. 

Rural Roots Children’s Center will ensure that all staff, students and volunteers review and sign this Program Statement prior to interacting with children, when modified and at minimum annually.  Monthly staff meetings will incorporate reflective practice as a way to measure standards, quality and to assist with understanding the statement. Feedback will be utilized when updated Program Statement.

Special Needs Resourcing

Rural Roots Child Centre has access to a Resource Consultant from Children’s Centre Thunder Bay (CCTB).  The Resource Consultant facilitates the inclusion of children with special needs, and provides care and educational programming for children under the direction of the Executive Director/Supervisor ensuring optimal experiences and successful inclusion practices.


Nor'wester View School Site

Location: 1946A Mountain Rd. P7J 1A9
Telephone: (807) 475-7644
Hours of Operation: M-F: 7:30am - 5:30pm


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